What are you favorite competitive games? Competitive as you play for anything that can be a competition, like a long deathmatch in anything etc.
Here's my list:
Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Satisfaction at each kill. I play tons of this on Steam, same nickname if you wonder. Competitive matches go from 30 mins to 60 mins usually (if you leave you get a ban from 30 mins, to 1 hour to 1 day to 7 days), 30 rounds and 2 halves of 15 rounds each. Each round is 2:40 mins if I remember correctly, never checked :P)
Quake style games (they're fun and getting a good aim is important, these really give you satisfaction too and, ROCKETS)
Race07 (I play with a graphic tablet in order to turn correctly and that's competitive as well since you race vs 20+ people to win a race)
Write your lists!