Alright, intrepid explorers! This be the place to talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon related! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon being the series of Dungeon Crawling games in the Pokemon sereis, where you are suddenly a pokemon, and you go on grand adventures with your partner into dungeons that constantly change layout, accompanied by great musiacl pieces, an expansive and emotional story, and several recruitable pokemon!
This is also the place where either I, or anybody else, will be sharing news about the upcoming game, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, which will have 20 available characters to choose from the start, and several Legendaries taking part in the story! Recently, we got some footage for the game that confirms
all 720 pokemon currently available pokemon will be in the game.
And yes, Mighty, that essentially DOES confirm Hoopa, considering his stance as pokemon 720. Get hype. Take a look at it here: