I'm not even lvl30
And yes, community is crap. I was a Dota 2 player before starting LoL. And even on low levels, everyone is nice and they *try* to make teamplay.
On LoL however, It's different. I hate seeing these thing every time I start a game.
p1: solo
p1: solo
p2: mid
p1: solo
p1: solo
p3: mid
p4: adc
p2: mid is mine, I said it first.
p3: mid or feed
p5 (generally me): what's left??
p4: jung & sup
*me takes jungle*
p5: jung
And game starts with 2 mid which feeding enemy hero, a failing adc because of no sup available and a solo which ask ganks every minute, since he can't keep the lane without your help.
As a result, I only play LoL with my friends as a team.