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Author Topic: Klonoa Fan Film  (Read 55180 times)

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Offline John Smith

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2014, 04:36:36 am »
Quote from: "the_darai"
Sorry, I really need to put more feedback into this, so I will.

If it's a 30 minute film, why cut it up into acts? To me, looking at the script, these interactions would last for a few seconds so it'll be hard to stretch what is written so far. I sort of skimmed through it, I'll give a more thorough reading here in a bit.
The maxium time limit of the film is 30 minutes. The film can be less than 30 minutes but not more than 30 minutes

Offline Thorp

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #61 on: February 26, 2014, 06:42:00 pm »
here's what I've worked out for part 4 so far. I would have continued farther, perhaps finished revisiting part 4 but where I stopped is where I reached a pun intended. I had a plan for after where I stop and it was working but after typing out a chunk of the idea it just didn't feel right. Whether it was the way I was conveying it or the idea was not adequate I'm not sure yet. I'm going to let my subconscious take over for now; maybe the truth will hit me later today or in a dream.

Act 4

_____A large rectangular building formed as the bright light emanating from ____(steve) faded. Chilled and humid air began its work in removing the warmth Klonoa still gripped from the dining hall. Stagnant water surrounding the building came into focus along with the glaring reflection of the sun. Looking around, tall trees were scattered across the prairie landscape; the water and building seemingly in the center.
_____Klonoa shielding his eyes from the reflection of the sun asked, “Where are we this time?”
_________(steve) responded, “We are at the Temple of ____ which contains the second element. The answer to the strange weather changes should be here; at least that is what my studies as a seer point towards. There's supposed to be a bridge to cross the moat. And same as the last ____ my powers do not work here.” ____(steve) quickly became a vibrant blue and vanished into Klonoa's ring.
_____Squinting from the reflection of the sun Klonoa located what looked like the foundation for a bridge at the edge of the moat. Walking closer, the sun was conveniently covered by a cloud revealing the dirt foundation to the bridge which had apparently fallen into disrepair. A single rope sagged and stretched across the moat, clearly the other parts of the bridge had broken away some time ago. Seeing no other way to cross Klonoa quizzically tested the strength of the rope.
_____“Can always swim across,” said ____(steve).
_____Klonoa hesitated in his prying at the rope then resumed upon ignoring the suggestion. He took another glance around the area in hopes to find a better solution. Having no other choice, Klonoa grabbed the rope tightly, wrapped his legs around the rope and began shimmying his way across. The rope creaked and lamented as Klonoa edged out, suspended over the water. “So ____(steve), when did you become a seer?” Klonoa asked jittering.
_____“Ohhh, not too long ago. I honestly have not been counting but three years now at least.”
_____“Wha- Wha-t lead you int-to becoming a seer?”
_____“I really enjoy learning. Becoming a seer allowed me to dedicate my time to learning stuff most people never dream of.”
_____“Is that why we are the only ones gathering the elements?”
_____“A straight and blunt answer would be yes. Most seers join for more common studies; answers to questions with immediate results. I on the other hand, found more purpose in learning the reasons behind the difficulties.” … “May I ask as to how Dream Travelers-”
_____Crack! The sound came from the bridge supports. More creaking and whining traveled through the rope. Klonoa's heart sank. Nearing the center of the moat the rope had sagged close to less than a meter from the water. Klonoa could feel the water's chill with his ears barely touching the water. He could feel a wind quickly building.
_________(steve) broke the suspended silence, “May want to hurry across to avoid getting wet. If the wind continues to increase at this rate the waves will overtake the rope.”
_____Klonoa looked down to verify the stagnant moat was becoming restless. Diverting his eyes towards the sky, clouds had fully invaded without permission. Klonoa took a deep breath and quickened his pace. Swaying in the swelling wind Klonoa's heart sank deeper and deeper as the rope wailed louder and louder. Waves splashed all around threatening to tackle the rope each pass. Droplets of ice cold spray contacted Klonoa's clothing and fur as he shuffled across the final portions of the rope. Finally at the other side, he dropped from the rope and lay sprawled out on the grass heart pounding.
_____Chuckling, ____(steve) said, “Managed to make it across without the rope breaking or getting drenched; impressive.
_____Klonoa calming himself dismissed ____(steve)'s flattery.
_____“Should get out of this weather before you catch a cold.”
_____Regaining his composure Klonoa returned to his feet. “Yes, it is becoming quite chilly out here.” A little proud of himself, he confidently took one step towards the temple door and...
_____“Manyaaa!?! The water is freezing!” Wrapping his arms around himself and looking over his shoulder the waves had become so large they were escaping the moat boundaries and causing devastation to the plant life at the edges. With his head down and drowning in self pity, “We should hurry inside before we are swept away...I hope it is warm inside.”
_____With haste Klonoa crossed the patch of grass separating the ___ from the moat. Grabbing the door handle he thrust the door open and stepped inside closing the door behind him.
_____Entering the ___ it was hot; really hot. Klonoa already feeling like he was sweltering observed his surroundings. Rubbing his eyes in disbelief Klonoa perceived no walls and no ceiling; just a vast sand desert with a blistering hot sun overhead. Further in disbelief Klonoa turned around to see the door was still there. He reopened the door and a gust of cold air and a spray of water pressed inward. Slamming the door shut, “The weather is a bit nicer in here...”
_____“Very intersting; amazing! The mystery around this place is thicker than what the books try to convey. Oh I wish I could be experiencing the sensations with you.”
_____Klonoa rolled his eyes.
_____“But-, but we must stay on task. Let us hurry.”
_____“Okay...which way?” Klonoa asked in dismay towards the open desert.
_____“Well the books vaguely state that this temple tests the determination of people seeking something. The test could be as simple as enduring the elements.”
_____“So all we need to do is overcome the tests and the element will present itself?”
_____“There is no information against it.”
_____Klonoa turned his back to the door and began walking into the vast desert. As he walked he could feel the intense heat from the sand radiating up through his shoes.
_____Most of the water that had drenched him had evaporated and the blistering sun was becoming unbearable. “No shade,” Klonoa mumbled under his breath, “We've been walking for a long time.”
_____“Can't be too much farther. These dunes are probably just blocking our view.”
_____“Maybe there is something we are missing. Did the books say anything a little more helpful?”
_____“This temple has almost zero information about it. Very few people venture here or have a desire to study such an ancient and complex mystery. One book spoke as if the temple presented 'tests' as a figurative of something. Unfortunately it was so old that segments of the writing had faded or are missing.”
_____Standing at the top of a sand dune Klonoa paused. His entire body felt like it was too close to an open flame. Gazing to the horizon a sense of desperation for shelter from the heat arose. But then Klonoa spotted a black spot not too far away. “There it is!” He rushed down the dune, almost tripping on the sand as he went.
Plan for after passing through the desert plotted, just stuck between the above and then.

Offline Atri

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2014, 06:54:30 pm »

What's going on with this project now, guys?

Offline Thorp

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« Reply #63 on: March 01, 2014, 02:45:08 pm »
Quote from: "Atri"

What's going on with this project now, guys?
afaik it is scooting along, hasn't taken flight quite yet. one of the animation programs was successfully crowdfunded a week or two ago.

i'm having some trouble with revamping part 4 but i'm taking my time with it. any feedback is appriciated and may spark an idea. it's finding an easy way to animate and convey the goal of the revamp is really what's slowing me down the most

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« Reply #64 on: March 01, 2014, 04:31:06 pm »
Glad to know the project's still chugging along. I ask because I wanted to offer my eventual involvement as a sound guy. I'm going to be pretty busy for the next six months or so with school, but after that I'll have a buttload of free time to work on helping with this project. As it happens, the course I'm taking is specifically for audio production in media, so that's a thing. ;)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 04:31:22 pm by Atri »

Offline Mike

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2014, 09:27:56 pm »
Doing personal projects is time consuming and requires dedication. I like doing personal projects, it gives a sense of accomplishment and you can learn from them. The biggest problem in these kind of things is not lack of skill, as skill can be acquired with practice. The biggest problem is motivation and realistic perspective.

What is your motivation to do Klonoa media? I have thought at some point of doing some sort of Empire of Dreams homage game for mobile or PC. Programming isn't hard if you learn how to, the graphical assets can be taken or greatly inspired by previous Klonoa games, and the music can be reused or simply commissioned. But I discarded the idea soon because I have a bazillion other projects I would rather do instead, and anyhow, if I do something Klonoa related, how can I recover the investment (timewise or other)? I can't, because I can't sell the game, because I'm not the copyright holder.

If you have large amounts of spare time, or you spend many hours playing MMOs or videogames without really anything much better to do, or you feel greatly motivated to promote the Klonoa franchise, by all means turn the passion / the leisure time into something productive, such as screenwriting - 3D rendering - voice acting - story boarding. Whatever comes out of it you will have learned something, and you can put that in your résumé.

But, but. Don't believe you will do a lot more than you really will do. It's better to have a finished 10-minutes silent 2D movie, than a mess of an unfinished 30-minutes movie you stopped doing because you were bored. If you've never done something like this before, I would go for a short movie, few minutes long, and little dialog. Storyboard beforehand.

Offline John Smith

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #66 on: March 10, 2014, 03:47:24 am »
Quote from: "Atri"
Glad to know the project's still chugging along. I ask because I wanted to offer my eventual involvement as a sound guy. I'm going to be pretty busy for the next six months or so with school, but after that I'll have a buttload of free time to work on helping with this project. As it happens, the course I'm taking is specifically for audio production in media, so that's a thing. ;)
You can help find us free culture music for this project aka under Creative Commons CC-BY or CC-BY-SA or CC0 1.0 Here is an example on Jamendo

Offline Atri

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« Reply #67 on: March 10, 2014, 08:36:56 am »
Quote from: "John Smith"
Quote from: "Atri"
Glad to know the project's still chugging along. I ask because I wanted to offer my eventual involvement as a sound guy. I'm going to be pretty busy for the next six months or so with school, but after that I'll have a buttload of free time to work on helping with this project. As it happens, the course I'm taking is specifically for audio production in media, so that's a thing. ;)
You can help find us free culture music for this project aka under Creative Commons CC-BY or CC-BY-SA or CC0 1.0 Here is an example on Jamendo
I feel it's worth mentioning I can also just write and release some music under those terms, if you'd like me to. Considering the project's still in the writing phase of all this, I can't imagine scoring will be necessary for a while yet anyway.

Offline John Smith

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« Reply #68 on: March 10, 2014, 09:27:06 am »

Offline Tortwag

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Klonoa Fan Film
« Reply #69 on: March 14, 2014, 03:20:27 pm »
So... Aside feedback, what's in need for this project? Writers, more ideas, something else? I need to read everything before making some feedback though, but thanks a ton for working on this.
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here: