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Author Topic: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?  (Read 5482 times)

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Offline Sable-Xeno

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Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:36:59 am »
As the title implies, I've recently gotten an XBox 360 hooked up and working, afte waiting a few weeks for a controller/AV cables. Right now, the only game I have at present is Beautiful Katamari (Not a BAD game, definitely controls better than Me & My Katamari, though We ❤️ Katamari had a bit more charm, and content...erm, ON-DISC content, anyways), and I plan on getting Blinx 1 & 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Sonic Generations, (the better version of) Sonic Unleashed, Sonic 06 (Purely for laughs, mind you), MAYBE Final Fantasy XIII 1-3. Outside of that, though, I have no idea what's available for the console, and I hear you need to pay a monthly fee for XBox's online, so I'm not sure if I'd get XBLA games, such as Dust: an Elysian Tale, or...whatever else they have on there.

So, any good recommendations? Keep in mind, I'm on a tight budget, and I plan to get more than a few newer games in yhe coming months, but I can still put suggestions on the back burner.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2015, 07:58:20 am »
Dark Souls & Dark Souls 2 c: I don't know many xbox360 games but I know some games I liked wound up on.
Maybe try one of the Blue Dragon Games too?

Offline YukiAsatoka

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2015, 08:09:14 am »
Personally,Fable II. Fable gets a lot of flack but personally, I found Fable II one of the most fun RPGs ever. Just has a charm and atmosphere I have yet to see replicated
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 08:13:16 am by YukiAsatoka »

Offline Graystripe2000

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 08:16:09 pm »
Simply, any Bomberman game on there that ISN'T Act Zero (Live, etc.).
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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2015, 08:51:01 pm »
I have a 360. Too many to list.

Offline Fuzzball

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2015, 04:52:06 am »
*revives with the power of lingerie tacos* aw SNAP!

Everything everyone said above me is a scientific fact of correctness and they must be bought now. Please also consider:

The Orange Box (your starter set into xbacks gudness)
Red Dead Redemption (for cowboys and spaghettios)
Catherine (this game needs no comment)
Sanic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (because who doesn't want the millionth port of Sonic 2 on their console of choice. also other sega games not sanic related (p.s.s that means phantasy star))
Dead Island (hours were wasted crafting weapons only to not use them and just dropkick zombies instead. please note fuzzball has not played riptide but wants to eventually for da lulz)
Anything that says the words "Dynasty Warriors" and "Gundam" (Kamille's a man's name and I'M A MAN)
Anything that says Bomberman in it (except I lied. Act Zero should only be bargain binned and you should expect as many lulz as 06 sanic)
Castlevania Harmony of Despair (recommended with franz 'cause unfortunately the game is kinda old and very much dead online 3:

Das it.

Offline NebulaVista

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2015, 06:34:10 pm »
Halo 3, Halo Reach, and maybe Halo 4 if you end up really liking those first two.

Offline Meguumin

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2015, 08:59:29 pm »
I honestly don't recommend Blinx, unless you already like it. The idea of it seems alright but actually playing it feels very bizarre and confusing. Many of the actions end up being useless too x_x

Offline Megahog2014

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2015, 01:26:26 am »
I would recommend monaco:whats yours is mine because of the gameplay mechanic is actually interesting...

The game goes like this... you play as the group of french criminals who are trying to escape the country without getting noticed or by knocked-out by the police while collecting money.
what you have is: a locksmith who can unlock locks extremely fast, a money collector with a chimp that collects the dough, a silent ninja like person who can see enemies better, and a sociopath who puts people to sleep (really they are sleeping nothing else), also in the story you unlock a person named the mole who can break walls easily

Did I also mention that you can have up to four people to cooperate with you, wether it is local or online.
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Offline Sable-Xeno

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Re: Alright, got a working XBox 360. Any recs?
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2015, 12:04:53 am »
Alright, I guess I'll go over what each person said in here...well, comment on what each person said. I've seen the list for a while now, and I do appreciate the input, though I might as well offer some conclusive feedback, as well as state pther games I might be interested in getting...

Dark Souls & Dark Souls 2 c: I don't know many xbox360 games but I know some games I liked wound up on.
Maybe try one of the Blue Dragon Games too?

You know, I'll probably end up getting one of those two down the road, though I'll admit to having forgotten about them for immediate purchase. And I also can't believe Blue Dragon never occured to me. That looks just stunning, and I'll definitely be getting that. If anyone else here knows some good niche RPG games for the system, let me know!

Personally,Fable II. Fable gets a lot of flack but personally, I found Fable II one of the most fun RPGs ever. Just has a charm and atmosphere I have yet to see replicated

This is also something that looks interesting to me, though my tendency to play games in sequencial order will probably make me end up getting Fable I first, anyways. Now that I think about it, I might've seen Fable II at Gamestop the other day...right now I've been on a bit of a budget, so...meybeh.

Simply, any Bomberman game on there that ISN'T Act Zero (Live, etc.).

I will look into those, but it's gonna be hard for a Bomberman game to top the N64/GC games in my eyes, especially with the party direction the series seems to have taken in those more recent titles...I could be wrong, though.

I have a 360. Too many to list.

If this is anything, it's at least reassuring. I will assume at least one of those games is Dust: an Elysian Tail, and I will probably get that at some point...once I get a wireless thingie for my XBox 360, what with it being the old model, and all.

*revives with the power of lingerie tacos* aw SNAP!

Everything everyone said above me is a scientific fact of correctness and they must be bought now. Please also consider:

The Orange Box (your starter set into xbacks gudness)
Red Dead Redemption (for cowboys and spaghettios)
Catherine (this game needs no comment)
Sanic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (because who doesn't want the millionth port of Sonic 2 on their console of choice. also other sega games not sanic related (p.s.s that means phantasy star))
Dead Island (hours were wasted crafting weapons only to not use them and just dropkick zombies instead. please note fuzzball has not played riptide but wants to eventually for da lulz)
Anything that says the words "Dynasty Warriors" and "Gundam" (Kamille's a man's name and I'M A MAN)
Anything that says Bomberman in it (except I lied. Act Zero should only be bargain binned and you should expect as many lulz as 06 sanic)
Castlevania Harmony of Despair (recommended with franz 'cause unfortunately the game is kinda old and very much dead online 3:

Das it.

Quite a few games on here. The one that catches my attention the most is the Sonic collection thing,but I already own the Mega/Gems collections, as well as the Dreamcast Collection on the PS2. Red Dead Redemption I've heard good things about, and Dead Island might be interesting, but neither are in a genre that I would obsess over, so I guess they're in the "maybe" pile. As for Dynasty Warriors...depends on if I like Hyrule Warriors. Which I'll buy. Eventually. Haven't seen much of Gundam, so games based on it do not greatly entice me. And I may be inclined to pick up a Castlevania game, though the last (and only) that I played was Lament of Innocence, and that DID NOT hold my interest. Catherine? The box art makes me say "Wut", but the description makes me say "YES", so I might get that...if only to see my mom's reaction to me wanting to get that. Amusing stuff. And finally, The Orange Box...oh. That's what it is? Well, yes, I'm definitely getting that. And Portal 2. Definitely getting Portal 2.

Halo 3, Halo Reach, and maybe Halo 4 if you end up really liking those first two.

To be honest, I've always kinda loathed the Halo franchise, what with being a Nintendo Fanboy in my youth. I suppose the first Halo is probably good enough by its own merits, and if it proves good enough, then sure, I'll try some of the sequels. But right now, that's gonna be on the back burner...unless I see it at a thrift store for $1. Which seems to happen a lot.

I honestly don't recommend Blinx, unless you already like it. The idea of it seems alright but actually playing it feels very bizarre and confusing. Many of the actions end up being useless too x_x

Too late. I've already bought Blinx, and it's one of the only two games I have at the moment...though I can't play it because I need an External Hard Drive, and I'll supposedly have to download the XBox emulator required to play XBox games onto said hard drive if it doesn't have it, and to do that I'd need a wireless connector...kinda crazy how much stuff I'll need to play one lousy game, huh? But no, out of the question. I AM playing this goddang game. I've wanted to play Blinx for about as long as I can remember, and for years now it's been the only original XBox game that I've ever cared for. Plus, there's the fact that my good friend FinalSoraRiku was a fan of the game (or at least, played it), and I desire to be as much like him as possible this only further piqued my interest. I HAVE heard the game has issues with camera control, but aside from that, there haven't been TOO many complaints...or ones I know of, besides the second game not having a playable Blinx (not that I care to be spoiled about if that isn't the case, I mean, Snake wasn't the main character of MGS2 and THAT game wasn't terrible...objectively speaking), so while I appreciate the concern, I'm still gonna be playing Blinx at some point in the near...ish future.

I would recommend monaco:whats yours is mine because of the gameplay mechanic is actually interesting...

The game goes like this... you play as the group of french criminals who are trying to escape the country without getting noticed or by knocked-out by the police while collecting money.
what you have is: a locksmith who can unlock locks extremely fast, a money collector with a chimp that collects the dough, a silent ninja like person who can see enemies better, and a sociopath who puts people to sleep (really they are sleeping nothing else), also in the story you unlock a person named the mole who can break walls easily

Did I also mention that you can have up to four people to cooperate with you, wether it is local or online.

Now this game might have an appealing gameplay thing going on for it, and I'll consider it...though I have no online at the moment, nor a spare controller, not to mention the fact that it probably needs an XBox Live Gold subscription to play against others online, and that is still something I can't get behind, I mean, a paid subscription? For online battling? And how many people still play these XBox 360 games online, anyways?...sigh. If it has a good enough single-player campaign, then yeah, I'll get it.

And that's the end of that. I honestly kinda...keep forgetting which XBox games I do want at times, and I can't for the love of me name even one XBox Original game besides Blinx that has ever caught my attention, even though I KNOW I've seen some in the past...or maybe it was just Blinx, I dunno. And the XBox Live games...well, is it just me, or are they way overpriced compared to the Nintendo E-Shop?

...OH. How could I forget about Soul Calibur IV? God, that's probably one game I should be getting at some point, inferiority to SCII aside. And Metal Gear Solid IV. I'll probably get MGS: Revengeance as well, it was only $5 at Gamestop...Viva Pinata I've heard some things about, and a few others as well...

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).