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Author Topic: Speak a language and then in english game  (Read 4582 times)

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Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Speak a language and then in english game
« on: June 22, 2015, 06:07:03 am »
Oh goody I've had this saved in my drafts since may 5th. what a heck of a first forum game for me.
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Ok so I'll set this up sort of like a game.
here are the rules and suggestions.
  • Speak a message in english.  Then speak that same message in any alternative language you understand.
  • Keep messages simple please if you can
  • Multple languages are allowed
  • If you can pull it off Phantomillian is allowed @_@
  • List what languages you are replying with
  • Google Translate is allowed. But it is probably going to be full of errors.
  • Be respectful and patient with others. Talking in a language you don't understand easily can be very difficult.
  • All Forum Rules still apply to this game. No cursing or swearing in other languages. No obscene language.
Everything past this horizontal line is forum game if you intend quote it.

I'm reallly rusty on japanese so forgive me on that lol now but I'll try and start with that.
Now from what little I know japanese to english needs looots of interpretation x_x so I'm posting several versions

These 3 could all roughly mean the same in japanese.

(English): Hello how are you?
(English): Hi how are you?
(English): Hello are you well?

(Japanese / にほんご / 日本語): こんにちは元気ですか

No kanji
(Japanese / にほんご / 日本語): こんにちはげんきですか

what the kanji is in hirigana
   げん  き
   元    気
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:29:40 am by Vokadae, Reason: added multiple languages allowed xD »

Offline Artsy

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2015, 11:57:22 am »
Are we to reply to the previous message?

English: I'm good, but I'm a little tired. :big_smile: What about you guys?

Spanish: Soy bien, pero soy un poco cansada. :big_smile: ¿Y ustedes?

Offline NebulaVista

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2015, 12:53:27 pm »
English: I'm good, but I'm a little tired. :big_smile: What about you guys?

Spanish: Soy bien, pero soy un poco cansada. :big_smile: ¿Y ustedes?

元気です。 ごめんなさい、スペイン語を話しません。 スペイン語を上手に話します!

(げんきです。 ごめんなさい、スペインごをはなしません。スペインごをじょうずにはなします!)

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(I put it in spoilers in case anyone that was learning Japanese wanted to test themselves or something like that.)

Sorry if I made any mistakes. I don't know a whole lot. (I should probably get back to learning Japanese sometime. I've gotten kinda lazy about it.)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 12:20:29 pm by NebulaVista, Reason: Removed my attempt at adding Furigana, and just added a Kana only version of my sentence.) »

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2015, 02:45:42 pm »
English: yay a topic i can speak my (second) native language!  :big_smile:

Hungarian: yay egy témát én is beszélni én (második) anyanyelvi!  :big_smile:

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2015, 05:22:50 pm »
(English): Sorry I speak bad. :( I need time or practice.

悪い = わるい = bad or poor
話す = はなす = to speak or to talk
私は = わたしは = I or Me
必要 = ひつ よう = necessary or need
時間 = じ かん = time
又は = または = or otherwise
訓練 = くんれん = practice or training

(Japanese): ごめんあさい悪い話す。 :( 私は必要時間又は訓練。

I hate my mind sometimes. that turned into soooooooooooo many kanji T_T

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2015, 11:27:47 pm »
English: The keenest of all our senses is the sense of sight. The great thing is to know when to speak and when to keep quiet. Look behind you, remember that you are mortal.

German: Die schärfsten von allen unseren Sinnen ist der Sehsinn. Das Tolle ist, zu wissen, wann zu sprechen und, wenn sich ruhig zu verhalten. Schauen Sie hinter Ihnen, daran erinnern, dass du sterblich bist.

Offline Cobra!

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2015, 05:59:32 am »
Are we allowed more than one other language?

Phantomilian: Fiirafuu Kuroa!

Scots: A'm Klonoa o ree wind!

English: I'm Klonoa of the wind!

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« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:08:05 am by Cobra! »

Offline NebulaVista

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2015, 03:13:17 pm »
Are we allowed more than one other language?

Phantomilian: Fiirafuu Kuroa!

Scots: A'm Klonoa o ree wind!

English: I'm Klonoa of the wind!

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I think I got that sentence right...

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2015, 09:27:07 am »
(English): Surrender to fluffy tail!
(Romaji version): Kousan he mofumofu o! [I'm not good with romaji never put any much time into it.]
(Japanese): こうさんへもふもふ尾!

こうさん (興産) =To give up or surrender.

へ = (pronounced as Eh or E instead of He) Something like a pre form of the word (to) as in going to instead of went to.

もふもふ = soft fluffy other similar like things

お (尾) = Tail

! = Exclamation point. Likely not used in Japanese originally a time ago.

I found an image that suits this sentence wellll.

Offline kceee

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Re: Speak a language and then in english game
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2015, 01:50:09 am »
French: Mon francais est tres mauvais, et je veux apprendre japonais. Japonais semble tres difficile apprendre...

Eng: My french is really bad, and I want to learn Japanese. Japanese seems very difficult to learn...
