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Author Topic: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!  (Read 14118 times)

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Offline ThatGuy70 (Mikey)

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2014, 01:01:11 am »
(@Scroptels GL Sniff... you really do know me... But sadly that's not how my room is really like...)
ThatGuy, in awe that his hero was standing right in front of him, finally snaped  out of his trance and spoke. "Hi Klonoa! Welcome to my humble abode. Perfect for you and Lolo's honeymoon! Uh, I mean... Perfect place for all of you to stay. Yeah." At once Lolo let go of Klonoa and blushed like a hot chile pepper.

Offline Sable-Xeno

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2014, 03:43:50 am »
(...Okay, at this point me re-stating what you guys are saying would be just plain redundant. So, I guess I'll just make this a "CYOA" RP now. Seems that way.)

While the idea of being surrounded by such...things that resmbled you was a bit...creepy, you also had a certain feeling of joy that someone seemed to like you in such a-...okay, no, it was mostly creepy, but it was still a nice gesture. You suggest that you and your friends stay the night. Unsurprisingly, it seems that you and Lolo will be sharing a room.

Later that night, you are awoken by a scream. It seems someone has kidnapped Lolo! You rush outside to find the fiend: it's hard to make out in the dark, but he appears to be a big, dark figure, with sharp claws! You gotta stop him, but how?

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2014, 05:11:01 am »
...Appearantly, The great ALOIYD appears...

Klonoa asks : Do you know who kidnapped Lolo?! :very_angry:

ALOIYD (ME), responds : "Well, no."

Offline ThatGuy70 (Mikey)

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2014, 07:12:06 am »
"Hey, you!" (Hey you? Really?) "Show yourself!" The dark figure slowly walked near to him, Lolo in a bag struggling. Klonoa wondered if that was the Daemyn Scroptels was talking about... And was also trying to remember I'd he was good or not. Then Klonoa had no choice but to battle the giant-clawed beast.

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2014, 11:18:01 am »
Anyone here good at RPing Janga I'm not since I have not allowed myself to know the Klonoa heros story in detail yet while waiting.

Turns out the beast is actually Janga cursed and resurrected by Daemyn who he himself has taken over the body of a spear moo nearby and is doing a good job at blending in.
Janga who seems to not be wholly himself Snickers while mumbling angrily & incoherently. Janga Makes slashes at Klonoa & others as if drunken and manages to only land light blows on the group.

Offline ThatGuy70 (Mikey)

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2014, 02:00:13 pm »
(Group? I thought he was alone. Oh well.)
Everyone was doing everything in all their power to rescue Lolo. "Come on, just die already!" said ThatGuy. "You know, you could actually help us." said Klonoa. "Oh yeah." ThatGuy then grabbed a shovel and started mauling Jangyn (Janga + Daemyn). "Die you evil nightmare darkness scum!! DIE!!!" 

Offline Sable-Xeno

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2014, 06:45:09 pm »
ThatGuy then grabbed a shovel and started mauling Jangyn (Janga + Daemyn).

Pretty sure Daemyn is NOT possessing that Janga at the moment....but ok.

As That guy mauled Janga with the shovel, Kolona (let's face it, by this point I can't say you're Klonoa anymore than you can say I'm Masahiro Sakurai) prepped his wind ring to slash at him with a wind sword, but missed, as Janga split himself into four shadowy copies.

"Damnit! I had hoped not to be so was I to know there were so many others with you! But now there's four of me, and four of you!"

"What about the Ninja Moo? And that possessed Spear Moo?" He may not be the best wopith numbers, but he can at least keep a count on his allies.

"...%#@$ it! I'll kill you all where you stand!" Taking a lunge, he was prepared to slash at Klonoa with poisonous claws...when all of a sudden, he was shot at...

"Get your claws off Klonoa, you $@&#ing scoundrel!" none other than Guntz!

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2014, 07:39:06 pm »
If I am going to far in depth into things or just going out of whack let me know / you can change my sayings if needed. I have never tried putting so much detail into RP for me as a character or in a RP at all before. Right now my interest is provoking Klonoa to anger of which I am trying various methods to do so.

Daemyn (soft high pitch Moo voice):3 "What a useless puppet.... Oh well it's not like much else is gonna provoke that ignorant dream traveler."

Daemyn Forcefully Wills the puppeteer d Janga 4x to Toss the bag Containing Lolo into a field full of a few types of Moos where a particular Spear Moo has jammed it's spear/shield combo into the ground and is standing on top to get a better view of things.

The Moos place Lolo into a cage similar to the one Karal was in and begin to take her off to the wind kingdom ruins.

Klonoa and others are left feeling an eerie presence as Janga reverts back to one Janga is somehow quickly losing consciousness.

Offline Sable-Xeno

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2014, 05:15:28 pm »
...After playing against Sable in a VERY lengthly game of Chess off-screen, you come back in, and just...punch Janga in the face.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

Offline Derpy Hooves

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Re: [Forum Game] The Random Klonoa CYOA!
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2016, 08:26:41 am »
Janga crys like a baby and guntz yells "you stole my kill *crys*. And klonoa goes home and eats a sandwich and texts lolo " i am very sleepy and i am bored of adventure can you be unkidnapped if so that would be great. Lots of love Klonoa :embarassed:.
Guess what... You're a Cutie