Nyeusi: "Mine has to be Nyeusi from Dream Weavers. He's a hunksicle!"
"We all know them. We all love them. We all HATE them. And we all LOVE to HATE them. (And in Sephiroth's case, some people love him so much its borderline creepy.) A good villain makes a good story. Sure, they may not always win (if EVER), but they're reasons for being eveil can sometimes be...really compelling. If you were just fighting some flat character, then...no fun, right? But to fight someone with motives, or even just someone with some entertaining, or witty dialogue....that makes a game complete, no? Just...makes you feel so GOOD for putting them in their place, and yet...you can't help but feel sorry for them sometimes...
So, what are YOUR favorite videogame villains? Mine happen to be Dimentio and Alex. Dimentio just has that whole charm going on with him, plus he's just so MANIPULATIVE. While Alex...He's not exactly witty, or funny, or the sort: in fact, he's usually pretty dead serious. But it's just so amazing how far ahead he is compared to the heroes, that he has this whole plan figured out so far ahead, that he can just manipulate everyone, good or bad, to his favor...sure, he lost to a rock with an eye, but he did so with GRACE. And you just gotta hate him for the mere fact alone that you...never get the chane to kick his smug-ares face in, even after three whole games with him."