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Author Topic: Some Ghadius quotes and others that have intrigued me. (Just some theory)  (Read 4066 times)

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Offline Voka~Daemyn

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I've been wondering of some of Ghadius's sayings for a while now. Ghadius mentions that Phantomile currently relies on only good dreams and neglects nightmares. He also mentioned "This time it's my turn to throw the world away"
I wonder if at one point Phantomile was once composed of both dreams and nightmares and Ghadius had a more dignified existence. Also I wonder if he was also the ruler of or had a part in the Moon kingdom it's self once. That or he just transformed it after takeing over.

Anyways tell me your thoughts and theories too I am curious.

That face looks a bit like him on the floor or maybe it is just a moon. But then on the wii the same thing seems to represent Nahatomb
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Wii version
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Defintely Ghadius
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Ghadius acccording to the game manual and thanks to @ka64  for those.

A quote from Solare that interested me

640x2880 image inbound very very tall.
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Offline mnstrmthd

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Re: Some Ghadius quotes and others that have intrigued me. (Just some theory)
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 04:07:58 am »
I always thought this was interesting too! His situation seems a bit similar to the King of Sorrow's plight, at least based on what he claims.
An unpleasant part of reality (nightmares or sorrow) getting shut off from the rest of the world and feeling betrayed because of it. From either of their perspectives, they are perfectly justified in their actions because of how their worlds treated them.

Or maybe, based on Solare's quote, Ghadius being "bewitched by a nightmare" means he was in love with the concept of nightmares or something and was sealed away for trying to make them a regular part of the world. Now he's awake and butthurt that no one liked his ideas.

Or maybe he's just a poetic evil jerk, I don't know.

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Some Ghadius quotes and others that have intrigued me. (Just some theory)
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2014, 10:59:28 am »
I could also theorize maybe Joka was attempting to use him but that's a faaaar faaar fetch  :confused:

Offline mnstrmthd

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Re: Some Ghadius quotes and others that have intrigued me. (Just some theory)
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2014, 04:00:57 pm »
It's just as plausible as any other theory, I suppose. At the very least I've always believed Joka is a lot more clever and competant than he seems in the first game (especially if you see how he acts in NamxoxCapcom).
This thread isn't about him though so I digress.