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Author Topic: Name Change + Site Overhaul!  (Read 2809 times)

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Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« on: April 21, 2015, 01:35:42 am »
You know, I notice I don't type nearly as much as I used to, nor do I really dabble with the site as nearly as what I used to. Sometimes, I just stare at the site, looking at the activities between the members on Shoutbox or how they interact throughout the place. Sometimes, I just don't say anything as there's nothing to be said. At first I thought that it was possibly I was losing interest, but I know that's not true.  I still have so many ideas on what I want to do to improve the place and to make it worthwhile. And then it dawned on me; it's not because I'm losing interest, it's because I have a very talented staff to keep things in line.

And with that, this entire site overhaul was done by all of the staff! @Rupurudu! worked on the new theme with MUCH better responsive theme for mobile and tablet (if you do use the site on smartphone, please use it in landscape, as it's a better experience), @Vincentmrl and @mnstrmthd  worked on the logos (yes there's two!) and @NebulaVista helped with testing. I can take no credit in this, but I am extremely proud in what these guys came up with.

 It used to be, for the most part, Aura as admin and Vince as mod, and then I came along. With that I had so ideas crowding my head, the visions I have for Untamed Heart, what it could do, what it can be. I would get up in the morning and work late at night to work on the site. But that time is over, and now we have folks who (makes my jobs a lot easier :P) make that vision easier to obtain. And now I feel like that it's even closer to what I imagined, it's just one more step closer to its potential. However, along the way I saw that this place is MORE than just a forum. It's constantly growing, constantly changing, to become more than just a forum. In effect, it's a group of fans who dedicate their time and resources to make this place a great place to be, sharing art, stories, videos, projects, etc. And this is why we will no longer refer to the site as 'Untamed Heart Klonoa Forums'--it doesn't envelop what it has become.

 We are now Untamed Heart Klonoa Collective! Doesn't matter how you cut it--Untamed Heart or simply Klonoa Collective--It just makes sense that the name evolves with the site. And none of this wouldn't have been possible without any of you guys!

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2015, 01:53:12 am »
Hmm I like the new name. I like all the new things so far :D Hmm certainly interested in future stuff as well.

Offline CacmanZero

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Re: Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2015, 03:18:24 am »
Untamed Heart Us after website return backup internet attention support someone.

Offline Sable-Xeno

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Re: Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2015, 03:26:52 am »
Really liking what I see so far! Any complaints I had, I adressed them on shoutbox (trust me, though, they were relatively minro), so I'll recap what I said there: showing cursed members with the more honorary groups might not be that great an idea (ESPECIALLY when it seems to be more or less shaming the one and only cursed member we DO have here...which may or may not change in the future, but still seems a tad inappropriate), and having the top buttons no longer having clear labels (even if what most of them do is quite obvious) may be confusing to new members. Course, it could be my iPad acting up in that regard...there could be words there, and they just didn't come in for me. And names. Not a bad decision, and yet...almost seems kinda tacky in coloring, really. Like, ot doesn't really match, thematically. Maybe make them more of a dullened yellow, or maybe blue?

Also, more top-menu quote thingies. I can think of so many that might go well with that...okay, not really, but there's a lot of potential to make it even sillier than it currently is. Anyone here who's been to might know what I'm referring to. (Course, during more serious periods of change, like now, it may be more appropriate to just give any heads-up on current changes, or to announce Movie/game night. Everything else is either annoying complaints you guys've likely heard a million times so far, or just other small stuff you'll likely work out within the coming months.

Anyways, really like the new changes, and glad you guys got to implement them!

EDIT: Turns out the upper-menu buttons ARE labeled on the desktop version of the site. So...yeah. I take back that relatively minor complaint.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 05:58:44 pm by Sable-Xeno »

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

Offline Rainoa

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Re: Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2015, 06:51:45 am »
Wow, nice overhaul! I like the new title! And the improved control-panel is more comfortable, x3
Sable is AWESOME.

Offline CacmanZero

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Re: Name Change + Site Overhaul!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 04:37:17 pm »
@Rupurudu! profile Untamed Heart to forum background screen want a change?  :embarassed:

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