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Author Topic: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...  (Read 3359 times)

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Offline rapappa the pepper

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I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« on: October 15, 2023, 02:12:54 pm »
One thing it seems that y'all know me for, is the fact that i love bragging about Lunatea's Veil and how it's not the best Klonoa game, well, you can prefer it over Door to Phantomile, even tho i feel like, it's, not really the case, but, i really really like Lunatea's Veil! So... What is that all about?

I'll always think Door to Phantomile over-all plays better, feels better, and feels more fleshed out its world despite not being as original and cool as Lunatea's Veil, which yeah, i like the world, atmosphere of Lunatea's Veil more, which, well i made a strange post questioning "What is this feeling?" with Lunatea's Veil, but, yeah, only really this game gives me this specific feel, and, is probably what makes me love it despite i think not really being as good, or as fun as Door to Phantomile. (and is why PRS is garbage, it's soulless, a game ever made over something special, also made a post on that)

Unlike Door to Phantomile where it's a game that is better to play, Lunatea's Veil is a game that, feels more like, a sweet game to play, to play just to go around this world really, Door to Phantomile had that but...

Man do i hate to see this game constantly getting the attention, and, like, people making out with it.  :angry: Makes me jealous.
This is probably the most overrated Klonoa game, and i'm so, soo tired of hearing people over-praise this game and call this one of the best things of all time, it's not the best Klonoa game but still has its merits to get over there and be worthy of a shot, and if you prefer it, sure! But man, yeah, you can tell i'm already, all of the sudden pouring a lot of salt over my head.

I like re-visiting Klonoa games from time to time, including Lunatea's Veil, i like things about that game, but, only for my self, i just, don't like seeing things about it, and most likely when going back to this game, i'd start to feel sleepy, i simply think this game's pacing is not as good, or level design, i just don't like seeing things mostly outside of my experiences, unless...
This game gives that odd feeling i said about, and it has, something to do with also being nostalgic?  :confused: I never played this game as a child, and i never knew there were other Klonoa games other than the Wii one, but, this forum, this game as a whole, anything related to Klonoa pre-Phantasy Reverie Series feels so... Magical... It, makes me drop tears from my eyes seeing old things about Lunatea's Veil, and for that, i kinda like it, but it's also depressing to see most old members are, gone already from here, afterall, we all grow up, and move on, but i seriously don't like the new Klonoa members from KMC and such... but, it's why i love this forum, the mix of old and new.  :(

Here's probably the best way to put it, something i never knew how to pin-point, but now i think i do.

Door to Phantomile is the better Klonoa game.
Lunatea's Veil is the better Klonoa experience.

Now, it's weird to see this, despite Empire of Dreams being my least favorite Klonoa game (excluding PRS), i'd rather see it getting some-kind of fan appreciation over this exact game.  :embarassed: Although, exageration is a thing.  :bad_straight_face:
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 10:56:39 pm by rapappa the pepper, Reason: Censored, kinda. »
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, pleased to meet you. Uhhhhh, i guess i like to draw traditionally a lot of Klonoa things, specifically for Whispers of Wind project, i make music for that too! As well as 3D models, not low poly Playstation fashioned tho, i like 90s Virtua Fighter 3 type models, any ways. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

Offline HaggisD1

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Re: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2023, 03:54:18 pm »
I always thought that most (including me) think that Klonoa 2 was the best game of the series, this game added a quite alot new things to the series and had more unique levels.
The GBA games couldn't give me a fraction of the same enjoyment i felt while playing Klonoa 2.
Everything after Klonoa 2 felt like a letdown.

In my eyes Klonoa 2 is the superior game, and i only played this on an emulator where the graphics didn't load correctly.

Offline the_darai

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Re: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2023, 10:51:48 pm »
Man do i hate to see this game's d*ck getting constantly, CONSTANTLY sucked by the fandom
Yeah no, please change this.

Offline rapappa the pepper

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Re: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2023, 10:56:56 pm »
Censored, but, i guess it remains on your quote.  :bad_straight_face:
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, pleased to meet you. Uhhhhh, i guess i like to draw traditionally a lot of Klonoa things, specifically for Whispers of Wind project, i make music for that too! As well as 3D models, not low poly Playstation fashioned tho, i like 90s Virtua Fighter 3 type models, any ways. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

Offline HaggisD1

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Re: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2023, 04:21:29 pm »
I actually felt a little bit let down by the lack of 2.5D , but not really.

But this is understandable because Door to Phantomile has benn promoted as a 3D Platformer, so they weren't trying to make a pseudo 3D platformer and focused more on the 2D part.

Offline Graturi

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Re: I love Lunatea's Veil! But not the community...
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2023, 04:22:10 am »
I just played both games on the remastered collection.  I love both games a lot, and am basically obsessed, but I was also surprised to see many people preferring the second game.  To be clear, the two main Klonoa games are both excellent excellent excellent.

That being said, the level design of the second game falters compared to the first.  There are so, so many parts of Lunatea's Veil that are glorified cutscenes.  A big example I noticed getting all my achievements was in the ark stage (which you essentially visit twice). There is a door you need to enter which leads to an empty chamber with nothing but a floating platform you ride towards the engine.  You get some gameplay, turn on the engine, then you ride the platform back, taking just as long.
It wastes a ton of time, and kills the flow of the game, especially on repeat playthroughs.  If this kind of situation was a one-off thing, I'd say it added drama, or allowed the environment to shine, but there is a LOT of stuff like this in Lunatea's Veil- so much that it actively detracts from the experience for me.  Another example is the huge reliance on cannons (and to a lesser extent, that one rocket fella) to blast Klonoa from stage to stage instead of linking gameplay sections naturally.  It add so much downtime.  As a result, both Ark stages, both Volk City stages, and the carnival stage (sadly) are low points in the series for me, but for the most part this feeling of broken pacing is present, at least a little, throughout the entire game.  My favorite levels, the Maze of Memories and the Kingdom of Sorrow don't really have this problem, thankfully. 

Level design aside, Lunatea's Veil also has a disappointing final boss compared to Door to Phantomile, and for my money, the music is overall very slightly worse. 

Credit where credit is due, however, the sequel does surpass Klonoa 1 in some ways.  The story of 2 is amazing, even if you have to put the pieces of the puzzle together for yourself, and while Phantomile's ending obviously wins out in terms of punch, the actual story and storytelling of Lunatea's Veil is simply much better, and much more fleshed out.  I quite liked the snowboarding levels too.

I'll also note, although I was overall a bit disappointed in the level design of Klonoa 2, when I got to the last level, I was slowly and utterly blown away by how good it was.  The music, the atmosphere, the gameplay, the level design, the story implications, everything was unbelievably solid.  The Kingdom of Sorrow could very likely be the single best "level" of anything I've ever played.  It's honestly a big part of why I look back on Klonoa 2 so fondly, I think.  What an unforgettable time.