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Author Topic: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.  (Read 11821 times)

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Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2017, 06:57:25 am »
@Kaynoid set spu2x sound on pcsx2 to async and have it boot at 3ms latency. After you get past the start screen you should be able to change it to something higher without losing sound fx to make sound less prone to crackle. 16~80ms latency should be fine

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2017, 09:41:41 pm »
I've been getting a lot of comments on youtube about where to get the new Klonoa 2 patch, Anyways I don't think I can like it directly here but I can give the codes for them.
Klonoa 2 US version is 2F56CBC9
Klonoa 2 PAL version is 7EBEEBBD
Klonoa 2 JP version is 1645DE53

Just make a text file and rename the file extension to .pnach and load it from pcsx2's cheat folder / make sure cheats are enabled.

Code: [Select]
    comment=patches by nachbrenner
    //Skip sceIpuSync

Alternative patch by Prafull has less graphical glitches on the water.
   comment=patch by Prafull
   //avoid cave hang at volk city

    gametitle= Klonoa 2 - Lunatea's Veil [SCES 50354] (E) [7EBEEBBD]
    comment=Patch By CKemu
    //Skips IUP blitz

    comment=Patch by Shadow Lady
    //For hang in Volk City
    //Skip sceIpuSync

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2018, 11:21:10 am »
I know this is a bit older topic but I figure better to write here than make new one which is also about PCSX2

I see on this video:

that game has no audio issues and no need to switch settings in middle. Can someone tell me how was this achieved? I tried replicating exact settings from video but game still starts without sound for me and my PC is very strong so I doubt this is issue :(

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2018, 10:34:30 pm »
I got literal RNG lucky with the sound plugin. but sometimes it does work correctly. I tend to have the best luck on windows 7

If anything try build 1720 of pcsx2 and Klonoa 2 because it may have to do with just that build. 80% of the time I still just have to switch from 3ms to 16+ms async audio to get it working right and not have potential sound stutter

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2018, 03:42:02 pm »
My PCSX2 is 1.5.0 dev 2342 and with that, I just put on 3 and it has main menu theme good but it is without audio at opening of game. However once level starts, audio is good. I really dunno why auido is not present in opening scene. No matter what I do game is muted then. Maybe its just issue in this version of emulator. No sound stutter at all in game while keeping at 3ms

Offline SerialDreams

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2018, 01:08:31 pm »
I have a very experimental build that just came out about 12 hours and 49 minutes ago as of this posting. The game runs very well, I don't see any visual glitching thus far, and the grass is actually present in the intro. The only issue I'm currently having is that there's no sound in the intro or during gameplay.

Addendum 9/10/2018 1:37 PM

Only visual hiccup I've come across so far is that the... uhh, what are those things called?
You know, the giant things in the caves of La-Lakoosha that inhale and eat anything that goes near them?
Those things, they're kind of... well, plainly visible when they shouldn't be.   :sad_face:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 01:40:06 pm by KlonoaFan21, Reason: Played further. »
"Wahii, rupurudu!" = "Okay, let's go!"

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Klonoa 2 currently working on pcsx2 -dev- 1.5.0 2155.
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2020, 03:55:38 pm »
Yeah there are a few things that are odd on the graphics still :x sorry I never saw this post i've been away from things for a while