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Author Topic: Regarding Some Changes to Rules to the Collective  (Read 2102 times)

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Offline the_darai

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Regarding Some Changes to Rules to the Collective
« on: June 15, 2015, 12:25:45 am »
Hey everyone.

We listened to everyone's feedback and decided to expound upon some rules and made some even a bit more lenient. I'm too lazy to copy/paste the whole thing but I urge everyone to read the rules here:,277.0.html

All the new rules and explanation are in italics. Even still I would like all of you to make sure to read each and every rule so that you get a good understanding what they're all about, and if you have any questions about any of the rules, you can ask us.

Also, on another note, we made some changes about Shoutbox. While we went with the 'one bad apple spoils the whole bunch' method, we felt it wasn't fair for the newer members who didn't do anything wrong. After talking it over with Aura, Shoutbox is now open permanently. However, like I said before, please make sure to read the rules regarding Shoutbox so that you know what the expect. Because if you can't adhere to them, you'll get personally banned from Shoutbox for a while.

That's all the news I have. Cheers!

EDIT: I also forgot to add I made a new board named Etc. Chat. It's sort of like Idle Chatter except it's not random and the topics are structured and have a clear topic. In fact I took some of the structured thread from Idle Chatter and placed them in there. This is also the new home for Nerd Chat, Vidya Game and Serious Business boards.  Idle Chatter is now your completely nutty playground for all your spamtastic needs and more (just makes sure the wackiness there in there and also the post counts aren't going to add up in either Idle Chatter and Forum Games)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 12:36:32 am by the_darai, Reason: Added board information »

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Re: Regarding Some Changes to Rules to the Collective
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 12:34:04 am »
Shoutbox is now open permanently.

Guess everybody here would be like...

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Regarding Some Changes to Rules to the Collective
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 01:57:09 am »
Ohh really glad to hear all of these. I like the idea of the new section set up so far and of course shoutbox being back.