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Author Topic: Translation: Script: <Nahato's Darkness>  (Read 4365 times)

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Offline CalmSerenity

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Translation: Script: <Nahato's Darkness>
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:12:24 pm »
*Disclaimer: This post contains SPOILERS. Please tread with caution. I will not take responsibility for any spoilers that you encounter in this post.*
Hey, all! Here are my translations of the <Nahato's Darkness> script from scratch, one that's literal and 'Aoi-like' and another that I interpreted more for smoother reading and for the patch. If you have any comments or suggestions for the script, feel free to post them! :)

A Quick Note:
Anything that is put in hard brackets [] means that whatever is in there is not yet set in stone and is subject to change. Any suggestions for changes are welcome.

Another Long Note:
You'll notice that I have included two translations. One that is sloppy but somewhat literal and another that is interpereted in the way that I would translate the game. This is because the Japanese language is different from English in thought, feeling, concept, and grammar/syntax, and literally translating Japanese in a way that makes sense is impossible. Please read both to understand roughly the concept from the original Japanese version and the way I would translate the game.

Small, half-width pointed brackets like these <> will represent a block of text.
These usually require the A or B button to continue, and the text will clear from the screen after the end of each block.

About [Pause]:
These [Pause] tags often indicate a brief moment when the game will stop before continuing with the dialog or Klonoa's narration. These tags also act as a trigger for certain actions characters will make during cutscenes such as jumping or changing expressions, so, for the sake of the romhacker, I decided to include these in my translation post.

Below are the dumps/transcriptions of the Japanese text. The translation will be after this post.

ナハトゥム (Nahatomb)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
しんのえいゆう (The True Hero)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
ナハトゥム・ダンクルス (Nahatomb-Danclus)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
だから まえに すすむんだ! (That's Why We'll Keep Going Forward!)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
エンディング (Ending)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

<パンゴは、あいする かぞくのもとに かえった。[Pause]
ヒカリサクラの ちからで
こどもの ねむりびょうもとけ、[Pause]
いまじゃすっかり もとのいたずらっこだ。>
はなびのしごとに いっしょうけんめい。>
<おくられてきた しゃしんのパンゴは、[Pause]
なんだか ぼうけんをしてるときより
<なつまつりで あうのが たのしみだ!>
<ガンツは いつのまにか すがたを けしていた。[Pause]
またフラリと たびにでたんだろう。>
<オヤジさんの かたきを とったからといって、[Pause]
ガンツの ぼうけんをするいみが
なくなった わけじゃ なさそうだ。>
<けっきょく、[Pause]かせいだおかねで なにをするのか
ま、[Pause]そのうち またあうこともあるさ!>
<そして ボクは……>

「風の村 サクラとうげ」
<クロノア:ふぁあ……[Pause]なんだよ、[Pause]いいゆめ みてたのに。[Pause]
チップル:こんなトコで ひるねっスかぁ?>
チップル:イジワルしないで みせてほしいっス!>
<クロノア:よーし。じゃあ! [Pause]じゃーん!![Pause]
   アニキ、[Pause]たしか ゴールドメダルとか
   スターメダルとかに なったって…>
   いい あなば みつけたんだ![Pause]
   すンごい よくつれる!>
<チップル:え、マジっスか? [Pause]あ、ちょっと まって。[Pause]
<うかれすぎたから かなぁ……[Pause]
メダルは いつのまにか
さいしょの じょうたいに もどっていた。>
もっと たんじゅん![Pause]
また、ぼうけんに でればいいだけさ!>
<まえに いっぽすすむ ちから。>
<ボクは いつでも ヒーローになれる。[Pause]>[/spoiler]

Offline CalmSerenity

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Re: Translation: Script: <Nahato's Darkness>
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 07:12:38 pm »
Hey!! :) Here is the post of my translations of <Nahato's Darkness>. Hope you enjoy~!! :D

<Nahato's Darkness>
ナハトゥム (Nahatomb)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Interpreted Translation:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
しんのえいゆう (The True Hero)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Interpreted Translation:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
ナハトゥム・ダンクルス (Nahatomb-Danclus)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Interpreted Translation:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
だから まえに すすむんだ! (That's Why We'll Keep Going Forward!)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Interpreted Translation:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
エンディング (Ending)
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
      <After that....>
      <Pango returned home to the family he loves.
      With the power of the Hikari Sakura,
      his child's Sleeping Sickness was cleared/removed,
      and is now completely the mischevious kid he once was.>
      <Before the summer festival, Pango
      did his utmost for the fireworks job.>
      <The picture that was sent, Pango
      somehow looks like he is even more lively than
      the time he was adventuring.>
      <I'm looking forward to meeting him
      at the summer festival!>
      <Guntz faded his form unnoticed.
      He probably went off into a aimless/carefree trip again.>
      <He said that he got his father's revenge,
      so it doesn't seem like he lost
      his meaning of going on adventure.>
      <In the end, I never got to hear
      what he would do with the money he earned.
      Well, in the meantime, there might be (a time/chance)
      we will meet again!>
      <And I....>
      [Wind Village, Sakura Mountain Pass]
      <Chipple: Anikiii!!>
      <Klonoa: Fuaaaaah.... What the heck,
         and I was having a good dream.
      Chipple: A nap in a place like thiiis?>
      <Chipple: You still haven't shown me
         your Hero Medal.
      Klonoa: Really?>
      <Klonoa: Hehen, I wonder what I should do....
      Chipple: Don't tease me, I want you to show me!>
      <Klonoa: Alright. Theeeeen! Ta-daaaaaa!!
      <Klonoa: Blank... Medal....?>
      <Chipple: What's wrong/happened?
         Aniki, I'm sure you said it became
         a Gold Medal or something
         or a Star Medal or something...>
      <Klonoa: Huuuuh...? That's odd...>
      <Klonoa: ........................>
      <Klonoa: .............. Well, whatever.
      Chipple: Eeeeh!?>
      <Klonoa: There are things like those too. Besides that,
         I found a nice secret place!
         Amazing I will take you there well!>
      <Chipple: Eh, really? Ah, wait a little.
         I am going tooo!!>
      <I wonder if it was because I was playing around too much....
      The Medal returned to the beginning state
      <But it's nothing to panic over.
      It's more simple!
      It's just if I go out on an adventure again,
      it'll be fine!>
      <The power to continue forward for a step.>
      <With just that,>
      <I can become a Hero at any time.>[/spoiler]
Interpreted Translation:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
      <After that....>
      <Pango returned to the family he loves.[Pause]
      With the power of the [Radiance Blossom],
      his child's Sleeping Sickness was cured,[Pause]
      and now, he's completely back
      to the mischevious child he is.>
      <Before the summer festival starts,[Pause]
      Pango's doing his best
      to prepare the fireworks.>
      <In the picture that Pango sent me,[Pause]
      he somehow looked even more lively
      than the time he was adventuring.>
      <I'm looking forward
      to meeting him at the summer festival!>
      <Guntz disappeared unkowingly.[Pause]
      He probably wandered out on a trip again.>
      <He said that he got his father's revenge,[Pause]
      so it doesn't seem like he lost his meaning
      for his adventure.>
      <In the end, [Pause]I never got to hear
      what he'd do with the money he earned...[Pause]
      Well, [Pause]in the meantime,
      we might get to see each other again!>
      <And I....>
      [Blossom Pass, Wind Village]
      <Chipple: Klonoaaa!!>
      <Klonoa: Huuaaaaaahh.... [Pause]C'mon,[Pause]
         I was having a good dream.[Pause]
      Chipple: You were napping in a place like thiiis?>
      <Chipple: Your Hero Medal,[Pause]
         you still haven't shown it to me.[Pause]
      Klonoa: Really?>
      <Klonoa: Heheh, [Pause]I wonder what I should do....[Pause]
      Chipple: Don't tease me. I want you to show me!>
      <Klonoa: Alright. Theeen! [Pause]Ta-daaaaaaaaaa!![Pause]
         ........................ [Pause]Huh?>
      <Klonoa: A Blank... [Pause]Medal....?>
      <Chipple: What's wrong?[Pause]
         Klonoa, [Pause]I'm sure you said that
         it turned into a Gold Medal
         or a Star Medal or something...>
      <Klonoa: Huuuh...? [Pause]That's weird....>
      <Klonoa: ........................>
      <Klonoa: .............. [Pause]Well, whatever.[Pause]
      Chipple: Eeeeh!?>
      <Klonoa: Stuff like this happens too. [Pause]Besides,[Pause]
         I found a really good secret place![Pause]
         It's amazing! I'll take you there!>
      <Chipple: Eh, really? [Pause]Ah, hey, wait.[Pause]
         I'm going toooo!![Pause]>
      <I wonder if it was because
      I was playing around too much....[Pause]
      The Medal unknowingly
      went back to its original state.>
      <But it's nothing to worry over.[Pause]
      It's simple![Pause]
      If I just go out on an adventure again,
      then it'll be alright!>
      <The power to keep going forward each step.>
      <With just that,>
      <I can become a hero at any time.[Pause]>[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Thank you to those who took the time to read this!!! :)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 07:32:26 pm by CalmSerenity »

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Re: Translation: Script: <Nahato's Darkness>
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 01:32:26 am »
I'm really thankful for these. Because I'll probably read them in the near future now. :D

Actually I'll want to maybe a few times over at this point xD
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 04:01:26 am by Vokadae »