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Author Topic: Divulge to me your madness err dreams.  (Read 4420 times)

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Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« on: June 04, 2014, 07:15:46 pm »
Scroptels GL helped spark a intriguing thought in my head with a recent post.

Just what kind of crazy madness do people remember from there sleep I call it crazy madness because I tend to get disturbed a lot in my sleep.

I will stop makeing much of any sense beyond this line of text here.--------

I have a flipping ton of paranoia dreams as I call them
Half of anything I have ever feared or hated I get distorted and heavily screwed up dreams of.
Relatives places things anything and sometimes waking up in a panic or sometimes waking up way to early before the rest of me is and can't freaking move...
At lest 70% of the time I have no body in my dreams I'm just there.
I've been abducted in my dreams -screw that was a pretty disturbing nightmare- at least once and paraded around like some trophy and yet nothing like that has ever happened to me or around me irl.
I hear way to many voices in my sleep hell I probably have some mental disorder I guess :C
I apparently sleep talk/walk according to my nephew.
I have memory lapses when I wake up at times as well and it is even worse when I dreaming I'm back to normal after about 30 mins.
I do have an abnormal sleep I can't stay asleep longer than about 2-4 hours I can't sleep a full 6-8 like normal

-end probably not very comprehend able rant-

Soooooo...... anyways feel free to describe your madness/dreams/nightmares here.

I want to know what other people have experienced.

I've done some reading before but I am not content that the best explanation is wild firings of neurons in my brain while I sleep.
I'm open to any explanations as I intend to compare and weigh them against each other for a while and looking for anything similar in an attempt to get a real answer.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 07:16:28 pm by Daemyn »

Offline NebulaVista

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 12:17:21 am »
I don't want to get too "deep" here, but I guess I have something to share.

Recently, I've been remembering dreams I didn't even remember having. Mostly just the dream's setting, but then that reminds me a little bit of what the dream was about. It happens out of nowhere too, I'll just be sitting around, doing something and it'll just pop into my mind. "Why does that image in my head of an open field look so familiar? Oh wait, didn't I dream of that a few years ago?"

And the weird thing is, once I remember these things in my "waking" or conscience mind, then I don't seem to forget them.

It's not really a big deal, more of just Deja Vu than anything.

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 01:24:54 am »
Hmm.. Any way to guess a time when those old dreams were remembered?
Yeah I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to go deep into the subject.

I used to think I was a pretty rational logical sane person at one point but then many things stopped making much sense to me as I tried to learn further.
edit: FFFuuuu I can barely make logical sentences right now

« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 01:34:27 am by Daemyn »

Offline Gyzyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2014, 10:45:33 am »
You wouldn't like my nightmares that's for sure, though it's a good thing that I hardly get any nightmares now, had a lot of them when I was a kid.

Let me tell you first that I often have very realistic dreams, indistinguishable from real life. I also can feel pain in my dreams, horrid pain. People say that it's impossible to feel pain in dreams, and that I probably hit something when sleeping... Not true in my case, the kind of pain I felt in some dreams was impossible to be caused by hitting something while sleeping. For example I had a dream in which I was on US aircraft carrier. Around me was war, mayhem, blood and dead bodies. I got stabbed in my abdomen by a US soldier, somewhere around my belly button. I felt a very unpleasant sensation of pushing something deep into my belly button and a terrible pain... So yeah... That's the first nightmare I shared with you, I'm going to tell you more, when I have time.

While it's often awesome to have such realistic dreams, it can also be horrifying when having nightmares. Pain is not the only unusual thing... I can also smell and taste while dreaming.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 10:49:03 am by Gyzyn »

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2014, 02:30:03 pm »
Ah well you verified for me indirectly that sensations of pain and in my case getting my insides messed with aren't as abnormal as I thought.

Ever had things like that while still mostly conscience ?
You don't have to answer I don't want people dragging themselves through potential trauma if they don't want.

I find it very difficult for me to say anything but part of why I am asking these questions is I am tired of thinking or convincing myself my dreams and nightmares have no meaning what so ever or even if they do I don't like how I am being messed with in my sleep.

If I try to say it's all in my head it starts an infinite argument in my mind so I just stay in a sort of limbo of thoughts instead till I have more solid proof one way or another.

This internal argument in me has be going for almost 8 or more years now and I know this is not the best place to ask questions of that sort but it is an attempt nonetheless and I will weigh those ideals against other ideals in my mind for a while.

Offline Scroptels Gluzar

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2014, 03:06:43 pm »
I can't really think of a nightmare right now, except one of when I was a kid wich I always remember: I was in my home and suddendly I found a huge spider, and I mean HUGE, it tried to eat me and my family, I ran away but then I got cornered in my room with my mom, I woke up before anything happened.

I mostly have childish or unusual dreams. One time I had a dream of a cat that I found in the roof of my house and I took it to my parents and asked them if I could keep it, I gave a bath to the cat and then played with it, the cat could speak by the way and it said things that toched me about frienship and abandonment, I said some things to the cat that were very stuborn of my part and then the cat escaped from the house and I told my parents to go and find it, I wanted to apologize and befriend it again but I woke up before anything happened, I shed some tears when I woke up.

PS: My brother also teases me because I dream about video games sometimes, like I dreamt of Arno some weeks ago. Also, you can experience orgasms when you're dreaming, and they say that are much more powerful that real ones. Haha!

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2014, 03:13:53 pm »
._. well the more you know.. I'm glad I've never had much of anything to do with that last statement.

because knowing the amount of freakishness in my dreams I'd be nopeing so fast I would be very much forcing my self to wake any way possible then not sleep for the next 20 hours or more.

Offline Gyzyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2014, 03:34:02 pm »
Quote from: "Daemyn"
._. well the more you know.. I'm glad I've never had much of anything to do with that last statement.

because knowing the amount of freakishness in my dreams I'd be nopeing so fast I would be very much forcing my self to wake any way possible then not sleep for the next 20 hours or more.

What? Are you actually saying you don't like orgasms? :P Whoops, forgot this forum supposed to family friendly.
Anyways... I don't know what you mean by mostly conscious. When I'm falling asleep, or just woke up? If that's what you're asking for, I had some strange sensations while in sleeping paralysis, hallucinations about being possessed by multiple evil spirits. I felt a large weight on parts of my body and even some pain. The thing is I don't normally wake up with sleeping paralysis, I'm one of the freaks that try to cause it, with deep meditation. Since I started to get good at, it happens after waking up sometimes, but I never felt any pain, except that one night I described.

Also, maybe this will be helpful for you:
The trick to get out of paralysis is to focus real hard on moving one part of your body. Try to move it as hard as you can and keep going until it goes away. Usually it takes a couple of seconds.

Offline Voka~Daemyn

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2014, 04:21:17 pm »
"What? Are you actually saying you don't like orgasms? :P Whoops"
Not the stuff I deal with in my sleep much of the time no.
2 quotes from things I have heard in my sleep.
"If you try to run away I'll ____ your insides"
"We're going to swim through your flesh"

So no I don't trust things in my dreams very much just way to much crazy and all the nopes.

by half conscience I would mean that time when nearly all of your sense have stopped but you still actively thinking.

Now sleep paralysis I've had once and thought I was dead I was probably hallucinating hardcore seeing flashy specks everywhere and upon trying to punch myself awake a blueish form of my left arm came out instead of my left arm moving like it should have x_x.
There was a lot of rushing sound and a lot of noise and something being questioned at me.

That is all I remember of my only sleep paralysis I can recall atm.

I don't like talking about that much since I still don't know what to think about it being meaningful or not.

But this is why I am here and a few other places lately apparently.
I'm forcing myself to attempt to understand it all anyways.

I might try your idea... but a part of me resists trying that stuff still. I'll have technically break my sanity to attempt it because. Logic says it bs but logic itself is broken for me I've tested and watched logical thinking implode several times enough to lose my certainty.

The only thing I am certain of is my sanity is teetering back and forth a little and I've not slept normal for more than a year now.

Sorry for ranting there is a lot that wants out of my mind... But not yet until I feel like I should.

Offline Scroptels Gluzar

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Divulge to me your madness err dreams.
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2014, 04:28:46 pm »
You basicaly struggle with parasomnias

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Dreams are still a mistery for scientist.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 01:31:56 am by Scroptels GL »